Saturday 12 February 2011

6 months later......

Right so... I haven't written in this diary since I got married and for me that was....6 or 7 months ago. Or maybe even more. So much has happened since then.

I've been taken over by the Master, even the Doctor was. Um... When *Sigh* when my Doctor cheated on me but I've forgiven him. He was drunk so he slept with Rose. Soon after that I got pregnant and we stayed in my mum's house for all 5 months. I almost died too when the Daleks were draining my life from me to draw attention to the Doctor.

And guess who helped him? Out future daughter Ellie which right now, she's just been born.

Oh yeah...

About that... this was more painful than when I had Holly. We both almost died. Ellie's head was...turned the wrong way. If the Doctor hadn't had went to the future to ask for help from his future self.... I would have probably been dead by now. But this was meant to happen. And I'm not going to have any more children for years to come.

Above is little Ellie. She has the Doctor's brown hair and my blue eyes.

*Sigh* Now... The Doctor is not here he... went to see Rose. Apparently she's pregnant with his son. He's gone to help her. *Sniff*

I'll go now... I'm still tired from not having much sleep. Bye.